Talented, Inspiring, and Compassionate Friend of Mine!

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She is the Best View <3!
She is Indeed the Best View!

While some friendships fade away or fall apart, others grow stronger, tighter, and more intimate with time! 

 I had planned to make casual birthday status on Whatsapp and Instagram for this close friend of mine, but then I felt that the casual and normal birthday shouts are unfitting this year! 

I thought this year, a blog post dedicated to her is more befitting.

LOL And no she is not dead, God, forbid! She is healthy, strong, and living her best life ever!

I am dedicating this post to her because I believe we should normalize giving people their flowers and elaborate speeches of admiration and appreciation while they are still among the living! So here are my flowers to Christiane, also known as Kiki by her friends.

Kiki shining bright like the diamond that she is <3!

Kiki and I Met about Five Years ago at an Event

Me and kiki at her 2022 birthday celebrations in Austin, TX.

I would not say we automatically hit it off, rather we warmed up to each other slowly. A couple of months after the event, we were hanging out almost every week in the DMV area until she moved away.

 Although our face-to-face interaction has decreased, the distance has not made any difference in our friendship, thankfully. Sometimes we are on different continents, different countries, different time zones, and different coasts, yet the connection and camaraderie remain intact and in fact, like wine becomes sweeter as it ages. 

Kiki and I at night out at the Wharf in DC.

During our tenure of being friends, we have had a lot of:

  • sleepovers!
  • Pool parties!
  • Cry parties!
  • Prayer sessions!
  • Girl talks!
  • Attended a bunch of events!
  • And engaged in numerous activities together!
Me and Kiki dining out at Mansa Kunda Restaurant in Maryland.

Kiki, Thank You for being such a Trustworthy and Dependable Friend! Urakoze for being my confidant and providing me with a shoulder to cry on over the years!

Kiki and I laughing at something stupid after my graduation party at the Bethesdan Hotel in Maryland.

Through my myriad personal struggles ( e.g., failed career attempts, boy disappointments, mistakes,…) AND Of Course celebrations of milestones you’ve never failed to come through! 

The 20’s are Peculiar and Precarious Years!

A Challenge on Steroids!

Kiki working her body off at the gym! Because she needs a healthy and strong body to slay the many dragons of life!

These years are at times alienating! Adulting in general is just a hot mess, especially these days! Now, adulting while walking and running on paths and wading through waters untried by your families, relatives, or even the tribe is soooo freaking DIFFICULT!!!

One of Kiki’s computer literacy classrooms in a rural area of Burundi.

 Sometimes every SINGLE day feels like an ordeal! It’s freaking exhausting, every day, every week, every month, every year!

However, you don’t stop! You haven’t given up! And you will never give up! Because you understand God assigned you this mission of trailblazing because He trusted and knew you would deliver!

God knew you’ve what it takes to finish the race strong like the True Trooper that you are!

Kiki Pushing up in the world!

Yeah, let’s be real, the missions God has given people like us often do not feel like a badge of honor at all! Quite frankly, they sometimes feel more like a burden too heavy to bear! Heck, we didn’t ask for them!

Yet, the creator saw that it was fit to bestow them upon us, and that is where the honor lies and where we find our HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and STRENGTH.

Beloved friend, rest assured that YOUR UNWAVERING commitment to the mission that is sometimes unclear and YOUR ENDLESS EFFORTS are noticed EVERY SINGLE DAY by the Angels in Heaven and God himself! And in due time you will reap the fruits of all your labor and receive your many extravagant flower bouquets. 

The mission of Kiki’s Computer literacy program is to give Burundian rural youth access to global knowledge and marketable skills. Feel free to reach out for more information about the program.

Your Gentle, Soft, and Posh Life is Just Around the Corner!

Kiki’s future is so bright that you need sunglasses to view it. Attempting to view it without sunglasses will certainly result in blindness. Mark my word!

I love you, Kiki! And My prayer for your new age is that you will continue to be JOYFUL in Hope of what our Perfect Heavenly Father has promised you ( Romans 12:12 & Jeremiah 29:11).

Enjoy your birthday!

And we shall celebrate together soon!

Yours in Friendship,


Berita <3!

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